What is an idiom?
English language has its own collection of wise sayings. These sayings are called "idioms".

But, what makes idioms difficult? Look at the pictures below. 


Idioms are not easy to understand - especially for non-native speakers, because their meanings are usually metaphorical. Idioms are often a fun and creative way to say about what you want. 

Watch the video and write what you think the idiom "a couch potato" means.

What do you think the idiom "a couch potato" means?
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So, let’s take a look at the most popular idioms in the English language and what they mean. 

  • a couch potato - a person who spends a lot of time watching tv with little or no physical activity.
  • piece of cake - something  that is easy to do.
  • raining  cats and dogs - when it is raining very heavily.
  • cry over split milk - complain about a loss from the past.
  • give a hand - help someone with something. 
  • butterflies in your stomach - a feeling of nervousness. 
  • keep an eye out - carefully watchful for something or someone. 
  • head in the clouds - living in a fantasy.

a piece of cake
head in the clouds

Complete the sentences using the idioms in the box.

1. She knew every answer on the math test. It was

2. You should wear a raincoat and use an umbrella. It’s .

3. You know, my mother says I have my

4. Cold winter weather's no reason to be a

5.   me   with the dishes. 

6. He got an "F" at school. His mom is telling him not to .

7. I always     while waiting for the results of the exam. 

8. And at least if you're here, you can   on each other. 


Look at the pictures 1 - 4 and choose the right answers.

Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
Picture 4
What is the meaning of the picture 1?

a type of bed, especially one in a house

a round vegetable that grows underground

a person who spends a lot of time watching tv

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What is the meaning of the picture 2?

when it is raining heavily

rain that contains large amounts of animals

a weather condition with strong wind

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What is the meaning of the picture 3?

regret about something that cannot be changed 

looking as if you are going to cry

someone who cries a lot

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What is the meaning of the picture 4?

a type of insect which live in a stomach

a feeling of being very nervous

a person who drops things

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Picture 5
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