Повторение. Актуализация знаний.

Now we are to check your homework. Please, fill in the gaps and after that you are to act out your dialogues.

Fill in the gaps and read the dialogue:

T: Hello? 

A: Hi, Timur, it’s Andrey. How   you? 

T: I’m fine, and

A: I’m OK. Are you   tomorrow to help me buy a new schoolbag? 

T: Yes, definitely. When   you like to

A: Shall we say   10.30 in the morning?

T: I’ve got a school meeting until 11, so we can   after that. 

A: Sounds ! How   12 o’clock at the train station then?

T: OK. See   there. 

A: Thanks, Timur. .

Fill in the gaps and read the dialogue:

D: Hello? 

A: Hi Dana, it’s Alena. 

D: Hi, Alena, how   you? 

A: I’m not that well, actually. I’ve got a   cold. 

D: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. (Ой, мне так жаль слышать это!). 

A: I’m , I have to cancell the day trip to the lake tomorrow. 

D: Don’t   about it, we`ll do it some other 

A: How about next weekend then? 

D: That sounds  . Hope you   better soon. 

A: Thanks, Dana.


Do the task, revise Present Simple:

Answer the questions, give your reasons and write your examples: 1. Why and when do we use Present Simple? 2. What are the adverbs of frequency of Present Simple you know? 3. What are the main time expressions with Present Simple? Where do we put them?
Attach file

Now, let`s have a 2-minutes break. 

Look at the picture and guess, what we are going to talk about today.

Right! We are going to talk about charts and graphs today.

Look at the pictures and remember the names of different graphs (written under the picture) - посмотрите на картинки и запомните названия графиков и диаграмм (название под картинкой):

The Line Graph
The Bar Graph (гистограмма)
The Pie Chart
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