Первичное закрепление нового материала - ТЕСТ
Раньше я хорошо катался на лыжах.

I used to be a good skier.

I got used to be a good skier.

I am used to be a good skier.

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Тимми привыкает к новому расписанию.

Timmy is used to the new schedule.

Timmy is getting used to the new schedule.

Timmy  used to the new schedule.

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Раньше они жаловались, когда приходилось работать по выходным.

They got used to complain when they had to work at the weekends.

They were used to complain when they had to work at the weekends.

They used to complain when they had to work at the weekends.

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Стэн не был раньше таким застенчивым.

Stan didn’t use to be so shy.

Stan isn't used to be so shy.

Stan didn’t used to be so shy.

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More exercises you will find here: https://forms.gle/XzxNNsoYpojydc7t5

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