Solving problems with Shakespeare - решаем задачи с Шекспиром
Это интегрированный урок математики и английского языка. Ученики 9-11 классов справятся с размещёнными в нём заданиями и доберутся до приза в конце урока. Все задачи написаны на английском языке, и все они основаны на пьесе Шекспира "Укрощение строптивой".
Now that you know the plot, you will enjoy solving some problems based on it. Here’s the first one: Petruchio, Lucentio and Hortensio want to give presents to their wives. Their presents are in a metal box, a leather box and a wooden box. The gifts are rings, necklaces and bracelets. They are for Katherina, Bianca and the Widow. Who gets what present? Use the clues to give the answer. 1. Katherina’s presents are not bracelets. 2. The Widow’s presents are not in the metal or leather box. 3. Necklaces are not in the leather box. 4. Rings are in the metal box.
The second problem is about love, marriage and money, which is an important theme of the play. Hortensio and Lucentio are arguing about who is richer. If they add their money together, they will get 150.000 crowns. If Lucentio gave half of his money to Hortensio, he would have only a quarter of Hortensio’s money. How much money does each of them have?
Now you know some facts about the money and you can solve the third problem. Baptista Minola prepared a feast to celebrate Katherina’s wedding. The length of the wedding table is 18 meters bigger than the width. And the width is represented by a number which nobody wants to get for a test. What is the area of the table?
And the last but one but not least: Bianca got 12 rings and necklaces from Lucentio. He loves her very much. If you multiply the number of rings by two and the number of necklaces by three, you will get 29. How many rings and necklaces did Bianca get?
The last problem, and after solving it you’re going to get a prize. When Petruchio was heading for Padua in the hope of getting married profitably, he was in a hurry and he rode his horse at the speed of 30 km/h. On his way back, he didn’t need to hurry because he knew that he would get 20.000 crowns Katherina’s dowry, so he rode more slowly and his speed was 20 km/h. What was his average speed? Have in mind that it is not 25 km/h, which would be too easy for you. Now that you know something about Shakespeare and his works, you may guess what sonnet he is writing at this moment. All Shakespeare’s sonnets have numbers; find the number of the sonnet that you see in the photo.
If you have difficulties in solving problems and if Shakespeare can't help, you can see the answers here. 1.Widow gets the wooden box with necklaces, Bianca gets the leather box with bracelets, and Katherina gets the metal box with rings. 2.Lucentio has 60.000 crowns, Hortensio has 90.000 crowns. 3.It’s easy. Nobody wants to get a “two”, so the width is 2 meters, consequently the length is 20 meters and the area of the table is 40 squared meters. 4.Bianca has got 7 rings and five necklaces. 5.His average speed was 24 km/h. And now, get your prize - watch the movie!
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