Let's talk about Belarusian films

Look at the pictures from seven films.

1. Adventures of Little Red Riding Hood

2. Adventures of Buratino

3. Sniper

4. Talash

5. Anastasia Slutskaya

6. Rizhyk through the Looking Glass

7. In August of 1944

Answer the questions

1. What kind of film is it?

2. Have you ever seen any of these films? Which ones? What are they about?

3. What do these films have in common?

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Listen to six people talking about the films from the previous exercise. 

Which films did they watch? (ex. 1, 2, 3, etc.)
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Which films weren’t mentioned? (ex. 1, 2, 3, etc.)
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Answer the questions. Write in the numbers of the films (ex. 1, 2 etc.)

A. Which films were made by one director?  

B. In which film does the main character have to fight against enemies to take revenge for their love?  

C. Which film contains the songs that the speakers like?  

D. Which film characters were commemorated in a monument?  

E. In which film do two tricksters cheat the main character?  

F. Which film shows Belarusian history?  

G. Which film / films inspired speakers to change something in their appearance?  

H. Which film is based on a novel?  

Which of the films would you like to watch? Why?
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Match the words with their definitions

Complete the questions with the words from the previous exercise

1. What famous film   do you know? What are their films?

2. Can you name any films in which the main character   his friends / family?

3. Are   usually good or bad characters in films and books? Can you name any good ?

4. Have you ever been   to do something after watching a film? What exactly? What film was it?

5. What is more interesting to do first: to read a   or watch a film based on this ?

Answer the questions you have got
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