Let's listen to a radio programme

Listen to a radio programme about unusual ways of predicting weather.

Which of the weather beliefs were mentioned?
Select all the appropriate answers

If crows fly low, winds going to blow; 

If crows fly high, winds going to die.

No weather is ill, if the wind is still.

Red sky at night, shepherd’s delight; 

red sky in the morning, shepherd’s warning .

When the dew is on the grass, rain will never come to pass .

Rainbow in the east, sailors at peace .

Rainbow in the west, sailors in distress .

Rain before seven, quit by eleven .

Onion skin is very thin, mild winter is coming in .

Onion skin is thick and tough winter will be cold and rough .

Rainbow at noon, more rain soon .

Year of snow, fruit will grow .

The sharper the blast, the sooner it’s past .

When seabirds fly to land there truly is a storm at hand .

A sunshiny shower won’t last half an hour .

Circle around the Moon, rain or snow soon .

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Listen again and write down all the ways of predicting weather mentioned in the programme.
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