Добрый день, ребята! Перед вами урок - повторение на тему "Разделительные вопросы".  Что же такое разделительный вопрос? Смотрим видео.

Напоминаю алгоритм добавления "хвостиков"

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Vanya is a good pupil, ...

does he?

is he?

aren`t he?

isn`t he?

Block not passed
Our students will not go to England, ...

will they?

is they?

aren`t they?

can they?

Block not passed
Ivanov`s parents usually arrange picnics, ...

don't he?

don't they?

aren`t they?

can they?

Block not passed
Sveta can`t invite her friends at the party because she fell ill, ...

don't she?

don't they?

doesn't she?

can she?

Block not passed
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