Module test 8 Form 9
I. Fill in with the correct word: burnt, sprain, injured, face, disability
1. Unfortunately, the driver of the car was seriously
in the accident.
2. Did James
his ankle while playing football?
3. Many athletes have overcome a
and reached the top of their sport.
4. I
my hand while cooking dinner yesterday.
5. Helen Keller not only managed to
her own challenges, but she also helped and inspired many other people with disabilities.

II. Rewrite the sentences in the reported speech
1. "I have never travelled to a foreign country' Joan told Sam.
Joan told Sam that she
to a foreign country.
2. "Andrew took up trekking three years ago” Liz said.
Liz said that Andrew
three years ago.
3. “The children are going on a roller coaster ride tomorrow” Sandy told me.
Sandy told me that the children
4. "Mark will begin piano lessons in summer” Lee said.
Lee said that Mark
piano lessons in summer.
5. “Matt has got a really bad headache” Andrea said.
Andrea said that Matt
a really bad headache.

Block not passed
Finish run and get result
Finish run and get result