1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

1) We … each other for ages.

a) didn’t see b) don’t see c) haven’t seen

2) My father ….. newspapers every evening.


a) is reading b) reads c) read


3) The strong wind ….. since yesterday morning


a) was blowing b) blew c) has been blowing


4) By nine o’clock yesterday I … my homework.


a) did b) have done c) had done

5) When I entered the classroom the teacher … words on the blackboard.


a) writes b) wrote c) was writing


  1. Put the Verbs into Correct Forms:

1. They (go) _________ to the British Museum last week.

2. While I (cook) _________dinner I cut myself the finger.

3. We rushed to the station, but it was too late. The train ____________just (go) ___________.

4. He (watch) TV_____________since 5 o’clock.

5. He (change)_______ _______ ______his mind by that time.

6. I (walk) ________________along the street when I heard a terrible cry.

7. Mary (wait) _______________for me when I arrived home.

8. She is having her birthday today. She (already invite) _______________us.

9. The text is very difficult, the students (translate)____________ __since morning.

10. I (know)__________________her for many years.

11. She didn’t want to go to the cinema because she (see)__________________the film before.

12. Bob (start)_______________his job two years ago.

13. He broke his leg when he (ski) ______________in the mountains.

14. I can’t find my umbrella. I think I (lose)____________ ___it.

15. Sally (answer)____________ ______the telephone calls yesterday.

  1. Transform the word in capitals and fill the sentence with it.


The weather in Britain is ….


It’s very cold and … in North America in winter.


K.Tsiolkovsky was the greatest … in space area.


Tornadoes are very ….


Russian … have made a lot of valuable inventions.


  1. Choose the correct preposition and fill in the blanks.

Out of (2), up, into, off.

  1. The local police stopped the cars on the road in search of the criminal who had broken______ local prison.
  2. We ran ___ Dan at the cinema.
  3. The sign says ‘keep____the grass’.
  4. My granny run ____ sugar and asked me to go to the nearest shop and buy some.
  5. The teacher asked them not to speak but they kept___talking.
  6. Sam and Mary broke_____ but got back together a month later.
  7. Complete the sentences using the Conditionals (Type 1, 2,3).
  8. If I had more time, I ____(take) piano classes.
  9. If I had known a secret, I_____(not/tell) anyone.
  10. Your friend will forgive you if you ______(apologize) to him.
  11. If I had a lot of money, I _______(buy) a new ball.
  12. If it was a little warmer, they ______(go) on a picnic today.
  13. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.


Can people live without friends? Most of us would say "no". Friends make our lives enjoyable and 1)_________INTEREST_________.

Friendship is something you can't buy. It is a 2)_________WONDER_________ and valuable gift.

It is 3)_________POSSIBLE_________ to live without people who care for you and who are always ready to help.

However, to find a true friend is not easy. Friendship requires honesty, trust and 4)_________KIND_________.

Being a friend means not only having fun together but helping each other in a difficult 5)_________SITUATE_________.

A true friend not only praises you but tells you when you are not right too.

If you have already found such a person, you're 6)_________LUCK_________.


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