Exam without showing results
1. Fill in the missing word, put it in the correct form: sprain, rucksack, first aid kit, map, bruise, total, bump, face, survive.
1 David carries most of his camping supplies in his
2 I don’t think we’re going in the right direction; according to the
we should be heading south.
3 Your ankle looks swollen; are you sure you haven’t
4 It was a
miracle that Liz recovered from her spinal injury, as she was not expected to ever walk again.
5 Jack has a
on his leg because he broke it skateboarding.
6 Everyone should have a
in their homes, as small injuries or accidents can happen at any time.
7 Helen Keller not only managed to
her own challenges, but she also helped and inspired many other people with disabilities.
8 John’s eye was badly
when he was accidentally hit by the ball during baseball practice.
9 It’s amazing that Mike
the skydiving accident; he fell 1000 metres when his parachute failed to open and just broke his leg!
2. Rewrite the sentences into reported speech.
1.“Have you ever travelled to a foreign country?" Joan asked Sam.

2. "Don’t be late for dinner,” Mum told me.

3. “We can’t go whitewater rafting this weekend,” James and Lilly said.

4. “Andrew took up trekking three years ago,” Liz said.

5."The children are going on a roller coaster ride tomorrow,” Sandy told me.

3.Fill in the appropriate question tag.
1 Mike likes extreme sports,
2 Henry has never been kitesurfing,
3 It was an inspiring story,
4 A compass always points to the north,
5 Let’s apply for the volunteer position,

4. Fill in: on, off, out, away, through.
1 Mary didn't think she would remember what to say in her speech, but in the end she carried it
2 The police still don't know who carried
the attack.
3 The government has made some proposals to help the environment, but we don't know whether they'll actually carry them
4 Sharon got carried
when she passed her exams and started screaming and jumping up and down.
5 Paul carried
talking after I had told him to stop.

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