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Выполняйте контрольную работу на двойных листочках. (принести работу в пятницу 18 марта)

Запишите дату: Tuesday, the fifteenth of March

                                                    Control work

I. Choose the correct answer. Выберите правильный ответ. (Запишите цифру и букву)

1 The postal _______ delivered the parcels yesterday morning.

A) officer                       B) worker                      C) attendant


2 Mr Anderson is giving a presentation on green transport at the town _______ this evening.

A) station                       B) office                        C) hall


3 Sarah has joined a community action group which helps find foster _______ for animals that have nowhere to live.

A) homes                       B) shelters                      C) farms


4 A number of students in our school _______ old books and school supplies to local charities every year.

A) donate                      B) encourage                           C) support


5 John looked after the injured bird until it made a _______ recovery.

A) natural                      B) full                            C) worthwhile


6 Ian couldn’t drive in the rain because one of his windscreen _______ was broken.

A) wipers                       B) headlights                           C) seats


7 Cindy _______ into tears when a car almost hit her dog as it ran into the street.

A) took                          B) made                         C) burst


8 My grandmother has joined a senior _______ club, where she can go on trips and do interesting activities with other people around the same age as her.

A) members                            B) citizens                      C) persons


9 Although you can’t really tell by her untidy desk, Kate is actually a _______ secretary who does her job well and quickly.

A) efficient                    B) organised                            C) practical

II. Fill in the correct passive form of the verbs. (Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в правильную пассивную форму.)

1 The Eiffel Tower (visit) by about six million people each year.

2 The exhibits in the museum must not (touch).

3 Luckily, the fire (put out) before anyone got hurt. 

4 Jason believes that all types of public transport (power) by natural gas in the future.

5 You don’t need to go to the post office. The parcel (already/send).

6 A new swimming pool (build) in the leisure centre last month.

III. Rewrite the sentences using the causative. Перепишите предложения используя каузативную форму.


1. Brian’s mum is going to lengthen his jeans.

2. A professional painter is drawing Jane’s portrait.

3. A famous architect has designed Lucy’s London flat.

4. Susie’s father will fix the handlebars on her bike.

5. The doctor examined Jennifer’s arm yesterday.

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