You will listen, read, and talk about celebrities.

• You will learn how to describe people.

• You will learn about comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs.

Ключевые слова: actor, actress, athlete, expensive, intelligent, model, opera singer, proud, rich, Comparative / Superlative forms.

Речевой материал:

лексический: actor, actress, athlete, expensive, intelligent, model, opera singer, proud, rich

грамматический: образование Comparative / Superlative forms.


- Освоение тематической лексики по теме «Выдающиеся люди. Их вклад в мировую культуру»: actor, actress, athlete, model, opera singer, proud, rich.

- Освоение способа образования сравнительных и превосходных форм прилагательных и наречий.

1. Watch a video and make notes. 

2 Choose the correct answers. 

1. I think actors are ___ than athletes.

most famous

more  famous 

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2. I prefer detective stories because the scripts are always ___ than romances.

more interesting

most interesting

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3. Adele is ___ than Taylor Swift.

more talented

most talented

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4. This film is the ___ film ever!

most successful

more successful

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3. Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct comparative or superlative form. 

1 Slutskaya and Gordeyeva are two of the (famous) skaters in Russia.

2 Irina Slutskaya is (young) than Ekaterina Gordeyeva.

3 Slutskaya is the (talented) jumper of all female athletes.

4 Gordeyeva and her husband won  (many) Olympic medals than Irina.

5 Irina started skating at a  (young) age than Ekaterina.

1. Slutskaya and Gordeyeva are two of the most famous skaters in Russia. Write your answers here.
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3. Translate into Russian. 

1 attractive 2 smart 3 famous 4 rich 5 funny 6 well-off 7 handsome 8 wealthy 9 well-known 10 talented 11 comic 12 clever 13 wise 14 successful 15 intelligent 16 beautiful 17. opera singer 18 comedian 19 performer 20 athlete 21 film director 22 figure skater
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4. Complete the table. 

Complete the table.














more famous


more talented


the funniest


the most famous


the most talented


more handsome

the most handsome

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Finish lesson
Finish lesson