1 What part of Russia do you live in? What’s the weather like in summer there?


  • I live in the northern /central  part of Russia, in Kaliningrad/in Moscow. The weather in summer is quite changeable here. I suppose/think, it is mainly humid because of the Baltic Sea.
  • We live in the European part of Russia. Our town is not far from Moscow. The weather is hot in summer.
  • I live in Tatarstan. It is situated in the central part of Russia, so we have a mild continental climate. It’s hot in summer.
  • I live in Volgograd. It’s the southern part of Russia. The weather in summer here is usually hot and dry with some rain.
  • I live in the central part of Russia in the city of Lipetsk. We usually enjoy hot summers here.
  • I live in the central region of Russia. In a quite small city 200 km away from Moscow. The weather in summer is quite warm and dry here. 

- …live  in + твой город, a small provincial town / a large industrial city in the North / South /East/ West of Russia/ the central part of Russia/ not far from Moscow. In summer it is usually …… here. 


2)  What else would you like our listeners to know about your region?

 picturesque - живописный    / historical sights = places of interest

There are a few amazing things -that my region is famous / known/remarkable for 

                                             - that I’d like to tell our listeners about.

One of them is ….. . Another thing that I can’t but mention is ……. .


  • The place where I live is known for its …….  / … is also famous for its ….
  • My region is famous for its ….. 


  • I would also like to tell our listeners about ….. that is/are situated in ….


3) What can you tell us about your family?


There are 4 of us in my family: my dad, my mum, my younger/older sister(brother) and me. Our/My parents are not very strict and we get on really well - ладим. (relationships, jobs, hobbies)


I have a big and close-knit family. We are a family of four and we use any opportunity to spend time together.

4) How did you use to spend your summer holidays when you were seven?   

   used to V - делал раньше, сейчас нет    

e.g                  I used to go to the village but now I don't do that.

                        I didn't use to go fishing in winter but mow it's  my hobby.


When I was 7, I used to spend my summer holidays + where (with) + how


When I was 7, I used to spend my summer holidays at my grandparents’ in the village.  I rode my bike, swam in the local river and played different games (helped my grandma to look after …)


When I was 7, I used to spend my summer holidays with my relatives in ….. and we swam in …. . We played on the beach all day long. 



5) How would you like to spend your summer holidays in (через) 10 years?


In 10 years I would like to spend my summer holidays + where (with) + How (что делать)


In 10 years’ time I hope to spend  - my summer holidays lying on a sandy beach on some tropical island. It has been my dream for a few years now.


  • … spend my holidays with my friends practicing salsa in Brazil. I have always dreamed of visiting this country and learning to dance salsa.

In 10 years I’d like to travel to the Maldives, where I could go scuba diving, and enjoy the amazing / breathtaking marine life.


In 10 years I’ d like to spend my holidays in Spain, in my own summer cottage on the sea coast. I’d love to …. With my family and friends,


In 10 years I would like to spend my summer holidays in Australia. I’d like to visit Sydney Opera Theatre. It has been my dream for all my life.

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