
Вы услышите четыре коротких текста, обозначенных буквами АBCD. В заданиях 1–4 запишите в поле ответа цифру 12 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

1. The girl goes jogging 1) Sometimes, depending on the weather. 2) Regardless of what season is or what is the weather. 3) Only when it rains.
2. The male speaker is interested in 1) Playing golf. 2) Swimming in the pool. 3) Playing bowling and billiards.
3. The girl is interested in 1) Various sports 2) Aerobics 3) Boxing
4. The eight churches which constitute the historical complex are now 1) Churches, as they used to be in the past. 2) Museums and places for holding international competitions. 3) Some of them are museums and some are still working as churches.

Вы готовите тематическую радиопередачу с высказываниями пяти разных людей, обозначенных буквами А, В, С, D, Е. Подберите к каждому высказыванию соответствующую его содержанию рубрику из списка 1–6. Используйте каждую рубрику из списка только один раз. В списке есть одна лишняя рубрика. Вы услышите запись дважды.

1. What stops him/her from skiing. 2. First skiing experience. 3. Why he/she prefers skiing to other sports 4. Professional skiing equipment. 5. Ski resort facilities. 6. Ski racing competition.

Вы помогаете своему другу, юному радиожурналисту, проанализировать подготовленное им для передачи интервью. Прослушайте аудиозапись интервью и занесите данные в таблицу. Вы можете вписать не более одного слова (без артиклей) из прозвучавшего текста. Числа необходимо записывать буквами. Вы услышите запись дважды.

6. Kate has her birthday party ........................
7. Frank`s grandma needs some ......... treatment.
8. Frank suggests Kate going to the ......... .
9. Kate is afraid that she won`t be able to wear any of her ........... .
10. Frank usually walks his puppy in the ....................... .
11. Kate will be waiting for Frank at seven at the ................... entrance.

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста. Заполните пропуск полученным словом.

Stonehenge is an ancient monument in south-west England. For me, it’s the __21_____ (INTERESTING) place I’ve ever visited. I clearly remember my __22______(ONE) visit to Stonehenge with my aunt and uncle. They lived nearby and I often __23________ (GO) to stay with them in my summer holidays. On the day of __24_______ (WE) trip the weather was fine. There __25______ (BE) a cool wind blowing, the sun was bright in the sky and Stonehenge looked calm and magical. In those days it was possible to walk among the stones and even touch them. It's very different now. Stonehenge _26_______ (BECOME) more crowded than it was. As a result, now people _27________(NOT ALLOW) to walk around the monument but they can’t come up very close to it. Today I wish I ___28 ________ (HAVE) an opportunity to get inside the circle again but unfortunately it is not possible any more. The Stonehenge mystery is still unexplained but I believe scientists _29___________ (SOLVE) it in the near future.

21. the __21_____  (INTERESTING) place I’ve ever visited. I

22. ............ my __22______(ONE) visit ......
23. They lived nearby and I often __23________ (GO) to stay with them in my
24. On the day of __24_______ (WE) trip the weather was....
25. There __25______ (BE) a cool wind blowing, ....
26. Stonehenge _26_______ (BECOME) more crowded than it was.
27. now people _27________ (NOT ALLOW) to walk around the monument but ....
28. Today I wish I ___28 ________ (HAVE) an opportunity ....
29. I believe scientists _29___________ (SOLVE) it in the near future.

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами в скобках так, чтобы оно лексически и грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста. Заполните пропуск полученным словом.

Every year the world goes dark for one hour, the Earth Hour. The event is organised by the __30_______(NATION) World Wildlife Fund. At tourist destinations, in offices and private homes, lights are switched off for one hour at _31___________(EXACT) 8:00 pm. The idea is to show that our planet is in danger and it needs care and 32_____________ (PROTECT). It's __33_________(POSSIBLE) to remain indifferent to changes in the climate which go on and on. The Earth Hour is not about saving an hour’s electricity. It’s about realising that we live on a __34_________(WONDER) planet and need to look after it — not just for an hour a year but every day. The Earth Hour is a part of an ___35_______(ECOLOGY) education whose aim is to make people understand their responsibility to the planet.



You have 30 minutes to do this task. You have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend Ben:


From: Ben@mail.uk
To: Russian_friend@sdamgia.ru
Subject: Dear friend

…Yesterday our teacher asked us to stay after classes. A basketball star came to us to talk about sport in everyday life. The way he spoke about being a teenager was funny. He said he didn’t like getting up early!…

…When do you get up in the morning? What do you do to keep fit? Would you like to go in for sports professionally, why?

Write a message to Ben and answer his 3 questions. Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. From: Russian_friend@sdamgia.ru To: Ben@mail.uk Subject: Dear friend
Attach file

Вы проводите информационный поиск в ходе выполнения проектной работы. Определите, в каком из текстов A–F содержатся ответы на интересующие Вас вопросы 1–7. Один из вопросов останется без ответа. Занесите Ваши

ответы в таблицу.

1. Where can we find the biggest "lungs" of the Earth? 2. What is the largest country in the world? 3. What are the impressive achievements of Russian space programme? 4. Which Russian souvenir is the most popular among the tourists? 5. Where in Europe can we find the biggest collection of books? 6. What are the impressive facts about Siberian Lake Baikal? 7. Which role does the Russian language play in the world? A. Russia, also officially known as the Russian Federation, is the largest country in the world. Its territory is 17,075,400 square kilometers. According to scientists, the country’s territory would almost cover the surface of the planet Pluto. It is the only country which is washed by 3 oceans and 12 seas. Russia is considered to be a European country, but two-thirds of the country are in Asia. However, most of the population lives in the European part of Russia. B. Siberian Lake Baikal is the largest pool of fresh water on the planet. All the 12 major rivers of the world (the Volga, the Don, the Yenisei, the Ob, the Ganges, the Amazon, etc.) would need to flow almost a year to fill a pool equal to the volume of Lake Baikal. Another impressive fact is that even if all the rest of the planet’s fresh water supply were to disappear, there would be enough fresh water left in Lake Baikal to supply the people of the earth for up to 50 years. C. Russia is the country with the largest forest reserves in the world. 45% of its territory is covered in green forests. The forests are located in the European north of the country, in Siberia and in the Far East. Forests play an important role in the life and welfare of people. Russian forests are the biggest ‘lungs’ of the Earth. They produce oxygen and clean the atmosphere of carbon dioxide and other pollutants. D. There are more than five thousand languages in the world. Russian is one of the five major world languages. 280 million people around the world speak Russian and it is one of the most widely spoken native languages in Europe. The United Nations uses Russian as one of the official languages of the organization. It is also used in international commerce, politics, academic and cultural life. E. For its collection of books, the Russian State Library is considered to be the biggest in Europe and one of the largest in the world. The Russian State Library was founded in 1862, in Moscow. The library has over 275 km of shelves with more than 43 million items, including books, journals and magazines, art publications, music scores and sound records, maps and other things. There are items in 247 languages of the world. F. Russia is known all over the world for its space programmes. In 1957 the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1, the first artificial satellite in the world. Four years later, in 1961, human space flight was accomplished. Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was the first man to journey into space. He orbited the Earth and landed the same day. There are other impressive space achievements of the country like the first long space flight, the first woman cosmonaut in space, and the first spacewalk.
Supermarkets It is believed that the idea of supermarkets first belonged to an American businessman who opened a self-service grocery store in 1916. The main advantage of the new American store was that the goods were stocked on the shelves, so the customers could take their own goods and bring them to the front of the store to pay for them. Although there was a high risk of stealing, the owner found the new shop's organisation more effective because it allowed him to reduce the number of shop assistants. Later the new shop organisation spread widely throughout European countries. Nowadays supermarkets are as British as football and cricket. In the UK 90% of all food is bought at five different supermarket chains. That makes these companies extremely powerful, especially when they deal with small businesses, for example farmers. Milk is a good example. Supermarkets like to use things such as milk and bread, which are at the top of almost everyone's shopping list, to attract customers. To offer the lowest price the supermarkets need to buy milk from dairy farmers very cheaply, so big supermarket chains agree on a very low price and dictate it to farmers. If the farmers don't agree to that price, supermarkets start to look for the cheapest possible products abroad instead. The consumers are of course happy to get cheaper products, but they should also keep in mind the influence supermarkets have on the environment. First of all there's packaging. Supermarkets like all the products to be packed because it makes it easier to put them neatly on the shelves. Consequently, supermarkets produce nearly 10 million tons of waste packaging in the UK every year, less than 5% of which is recycled. Some supermarkets put large recycling bins in their car parks, trying to create the image that they are environmentally friendly. However, that is just an image. To reach the supermarket shelves the products often have to travel half the globe. Due to preservatives even milk products can stay unspoiled for months. It's a great advantage for the supermarket as yoghurt bought from a farmer can't be kept for longer than 2 days. That is why many small farmers do not even get a chance to compete with long-lasting imported goods. When a new supermarket is planned, everyone says that a lot of new jobs will be created. In reality the number of jobs lost in the area is greater than the number of new positions in the supermarket. Within a 15km radius of every new supermarket that opens the number of people working in the food business goes down. It happens because all the small shops nearby are forced to close.

The first supermarkets appeared in the USA.


1) True

2) False

3) Not stated

Most British people buy their food in supermarkets. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
Supermarkets offer local farmers good prices for their products. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
People prefer to buy food in bright packages. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
Supermarket managers change the price of the products every month. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
Supermarkets prefer fresh products from local farmers to imported goods. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
New supermarkets reduce the number of jobs in the local food industry. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
Finish lesson
Finish lesson