
Prepare your presentation about your place in the world.

What you should do: 

1. Cut out paper circles of different sizes. As the circles get bigger, they show bigger geographical areas. 

2. Label the circles: My House / My Flat; My City / My Town / My Village; My Country; My Continent; My planet. 

3. Decorate each circle with photos or pictures. Cut pictures out from magazines or draw them. 

4. Think what you can write on each circle and what pictures you can choose. For example, for ‘My House / Flat’ you can write your address, add the picture of your house / flat and write about it. 

5. Punch holes at the top of each circle. Tie them up together beautifully. 

Present your project to the teacher. Make a video of your speech. Show your circles one by one and speak about them. Speak loudly and clearly. Attach your video below or send it to your teacher by e-mail
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