Let's express your ideas

Look at these sentences from the weather forecast. What is the meaning of the underlined words?


for the reason that

despite the fact that

together with, as well as

Block not passed

Read the information about “for” and “since” and say what the difference between them is.

• usually use at the beginning of the sentence to give the reason;   

• use to give the reason as an afterthought;  

• never use at the beginning of the sentence;  

• use when the reason is already known and / or is less important;  

• use in formal speaking especially in classical English literature;  

• use in colloquial speech.  


Use the phrases below and make up sentences for the weather forecast. Use “since” and “for” and phrases from the Phrase Box.

1) North of the country, sunny, warm front (see the Model) 2) South region, warm and humid, overcast 3) Centre, some showers, level of humidity 4) West, snow, temperature goes down 5) East, storms with thunder and lightning, boiling and stifling all day 6) South-west, damp and drizzling, cold at night and warming up in the morning 7) North-West, partly sunny, partly cloudy, strong wind, a cold and a warm air streams meet


a) In the north of the country it’s going to be sunny for a warm front is gradually moving across the region.


b) Since a warm front is gradually moving across the region it’s going to be sunny in the north of the country.

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