Let's discuss travelling tips

Do you often travel? 

What do you usually do when you forget your bus ticket (or travelling card) at home? What will you do if you do not remember the time of your plane take-off?
Attach file
What will you do if you miss your bus?
Attach file

Put the words connected with travelling into groups

Make 3 sentences about travelling, using the words from the previous exercise
Attach file

Read the statements on travelling. Choose the answers that best express your opinions.

If you want to learn about other cultures and people, you should travel.

I completely agree

I mostly agree

I’m not sure

I mostly disagree

I completely disagree.

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Travelling is fun.

I completely agree

I mostly agree

I’m not sure

I mostly disagree

I completely disagree.

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Travelling is dangerous.

I completely agree

I mostly agree

I’m not sure

I mostly disagree

I completely disagree.

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Travelling is expensive.

I completely agree

I mostly agree

I’m not sure

I mostly disagree

I completely disagree.

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Travelling with family or friends is better than travelling by yourself.

I completely agree

I mostly agree

I’m not sure

I mostly disagree

I completely disagree.

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Travelling is a great way to improve your English.

I completely agree

I mostly agree

I’m not sure

I mostly disagree

I completely disagree.

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You should learn the language of the country you are going to travel to.

I completely agree

I mostly agree

I’m not sure

I mostly disagree

I completely disagree.

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Ask the same questions to your parents and compare your answers

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